Thursday, June 24, 2010

Vacation Bible School 2010

Scribner's Mill had another wonderful VBS this year!  The theme was "Armor of God".  Everyone did a great job getting prepared for VBS and we appreciate everyone that attended that helped make this year's VBS a huge success.  We set a Scribner's Mill record for attendance on the last night! 

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Another 5K for Charity

Dawson and Scott ran another 5K today, 5 days after their last. This one was in Waynesboro, TN. It was in memory of Ryleigh Stegall, a 10 year old girl who died of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia in September 2007. She was diagnosed when she was 3 1/2 years old. We thank God everyday that we have two healthy boys.

Dawson and Scott both got trophies! Dawson got 2nd in his age group and Scott got 3rd in his age group. In the picture of them running beside each other, Scott had finished and went back to run the last part of the race with Dawson. I love that picture. Two of the same imagines running side by side.

This was suppose to be a family run, but Landon just got home from church camp the night before and he was exhausted! He needed some rest and 5:30 AM came really early! Our entry fee was considered a donation for a great cause.